Notes on Synchronization and Backup of $HOME using git, git-annex and mr
Table of Contents
This is a dump of all git, git-annex and mr related configuration and scripts so I can edit them in one place. When tangled,
- All mr configs will go into their respective folders.
- All Bash scripts will go into ~/.bin/ folder.
Repository structure,
- ~/annex/ - git-annex repositories that are synced between computers.
- ~/source/ - Git repos.
- /external - Single git-annex repo spread over multiple USB drives. Working as a Poor Mans Raid.
Instead of having a single large annex folder synced across machines, I have split all files into 6 annexes,
- documents
- music
- notes
- old-code
- photos
This scheme makes git-annex much faster. At first I was reluctant to go with this, instead of pushing pulling single annex, now I have to deal with 6. Then I found about mr which lets you run commands on a collection of repositories, even though there are 6 repos with mr a single command will push pull all of them.
These annexes are shared between 3 computers (one with two full copy of all repos and two with partial copies.), all behind NAT so all clients dump data to (GPG encrypted with separate keys.) and sync changes with a repo inside
When ever I make changes to any of the repos, I just run mr push. It will iterate repositories with changes (new files/deletes/renames) and upload changes to and sync with Then when I switch machines I just do a mr pull which downloads all changes.
include = cat ~/annex/.mrconfig-annex ~/source/.mrconfig-source
[DEFAULT] git_sync = git annex add .;git annex sync --content git_status = git annex status git_gc = git repack -ad; git gc lib = initAnnex() { git config remote.origin.annex-ignore true git annex init "`hostname`" git annex untrust here git annex enableremote cloud } fastFsChck() { git annex fsck --fast --from "$1" } [annex/documents] checkout = git clone '' 'documents' cd documents/ initAnnex skip = lazy fsck = fastFsChck cloud fastFsChck storage-box fastFsChck rclone_drive [annex/notes] checkout = git clone '' 'notes' cd notes/ initAnnex git annex direct git annex get . fsck = fastFsChck cloud
Drop all unused files by date,
#!/usr/bin/env hy (import [sh [grep git perl awk ErrorReturnCode]] [re [split]] [datetime [datetime date]] [sys]) (def remote (if (>= (len sys.argv) 2) (second sys.argv) "here")) (def drop-age (if (= (len sys.argv) 3) (int (nth sys.argv 2)) 180)) (defn unused-files [] (let [[files (try (-> (.annex git "unused" "--from" remote) (perl "-ne" "print if /^ [0-9]+.*/") str) (catch [e ErrorReturnCode] ""))] [unused-files (->> files (split "\n") (map (fn [x] (->> (.strip x) (split " +") (take 2) (map (fn [x] (.strip x)))))) (filter (fn [x] (= (len x) 2))) list)]] (print "Unused files: " (len unused-files)) unused-files)) (defn last-seen [file] (let [[key (second file)]] (->> (git "--no-pager" "log" "-1" "-S" key "--pretty=format:%at") str (split "\n") (map (fn [x] (.fromtimestamp datetime (float x)))) first))) (defn age [file] (let [[delta (- (.today datetime) (last-seen file))]] delta.days)) (print "Dropping " remote) (if (= drop-age 0) (for [file (unused-files)] (let [[id (first file)]] (print "Id " id) (if (= remote "here") (.annex git "dropunused" "--force" (str id)) (.annex git "dropunused" "--force" "--from" remote (str id))))) (for [file (unused-files)] (let [[id (first file)] [file-age (try (age file) (catch [e Exception] -1))]] (if (>= file-age drop-age) (do (print "Id " id " age " file-age " days...") (if (= remote "here") (.annex git "dropunused" "--force" (str id)) (.annex git "dropunused" "--force" "--from" remote (str id))))))))
Custom push command. For repositories with no changes it simply returns true, for repositories with changes or new files,
- If acting on a regular git repo, pushes changes to origin.
- If acting on a git annex repo, uploads changes and sync with
#/bin/bash updateAnnexHost() { echo 'Updating Remote...' ORIGIN=`git config --get remote.origin.url` HOST=`echo "$ORIGIN" | grep -oiP '//.*?\/' | cut -d/ -f3` DIR="/${ORIGIN#*//*/}" echo "$HOST $DIR" ssh $HOST "cd $DIR;git annex sync" } hasNoChanges(){ git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- } hasNewFiles(){ if [ `git ls-files --exclude-standard --others| wc -l` != 0 ]; then true else false fi } isRepoAhead(){ if [ `git log origin/$(git branch | grep '*' | cut -d' ' -f2)..HEAD | wc -l` != 0 ]; then true else false fi } #handle direct annex repo if `git config --get`; then oldHead=`git rev-parse HEAD` git annex add . git annex sync newHead=`git rev-parse HEAD` if [ "$oldHead" != "$newHead" ]; then if git config remote.depot.annex-uuid; then git annex copy --to depot --not --in depot git annex sync else git annex copy --to origin --not --in origin updateAnnexHost fi fi exit fi if ! hasNoChanges || hasNewFiles || isRepoAhead; then #handle indirect annex repo if [ -d '.git/annex/' ]; then git annex add . git annex sync if git config remote.depot.annex-uuid; then git annex copy --to depot --not --in depot git annex sync else git annex copy --to origin --not --in origin updateAnnexHost fi exit #handle plain git repo else git push origin master fi else true fi
Mount / Unmount EncFS Volumes
Scripts for mounting and unmounting EncFS Volumes.
#/bin/bash CUR_DIR=`pwd` cd "$1" DIR=$(basename "$1") mkdir "/Volumes/$DIR" git annex get . git annex unlock "." encfs "$CUR_DIR/${1}" "/Volumes/$DIR" cd $CUR_DIR
#/bin/bash CUR_DIR=`pwd` DIR=$(basename "$1") if umount "/Volumes/$DIR"; then rm -rf "/Volumes/$DIR" fi cd "$1" git annex add . git annex add .encfs6.xml git commit -m 'Update' cd $CUR_DIR
Create autostart file relative paths don't work so tangle one file for each OS (Linux,OS X) then mv one to correct location,
/home/nakkaya/annex/notes /home/nakkaya/annex/documents
/Users/nakkaya/annex/notes /Users/nakkaya/annex/documents
Start asistant and webapp,
git annex assistant --autostart && nohup git annex webapp
Setup encrypted annex directory remote,
git annex initremote mobile type=directory directory=/path/to/annex/repo/ encryption=hybrid keyid=ID embedcreds=yes
Setup encrypted annex S3 remote in EU (Ireland) (eu-west-1),
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="KID" export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="SKEY" git annex initremote cloud type=S3 encryption=hybrid keyid=ID embedcreds=yes datacenter=eu-west-1 chunk=250MiB git setup-bitbucket git config remote.origin.annex-ignore true
Setup encrypted annex S3 remote in Google Cloud Storage,
git annex initremote cloud type=S3 encryption=hybrid keyid=ID embedcreds=yes port=80 chunk=250MiB
Setup encrypted annex rsync remote,
git annex initremote depot type=rsync encryption=hybrid rsyncurl=rsync:annex/repo/ keyid=ID
Setup encrypted annex rclone gdrive remote,
git annex initremote rclone_drive type=external externaltype=rclone target=drive_robotics prefix=git-annex chunk=100MiB encryption=shared mac=HMACSHA512 rclone_layout=lower
Git Repos,
[DEFAULT] git_pull = git pull origin master git_push = git fast-push git_status = git status --short sync = git pull && git push [source/latte] checkout = git clone '' 'latte' skip=lazy [source/alter-ego] checkout = git clone '[email protected]:nakkaya/alter-ego.git' 'alter-ego' skip=lazy [source/ardrone] checkout = git clone '[email protected]:nakkaya/ardrone.git' 'ardrone' skip=lazy [source/clodiuno] checkout = git clone '[email protected]:nakkaya/clodiuno.git' 'clodiuno' skip=lazy [source/easy-dns] checkout = git clone '[email protected]:nakkaya/easy-dns.git' 'easy-dns' skip=lazy [source/emacs] checkout = git clone '[email protected]:nakkaya/emacs.git' 'emacs' cd emacs git submodule init git submodule update [source/inbox-feed] checkout = git clone '[email protected]:nakkaya/inbox-feed.git' 'inbox-feed' skip=lazy [source/] checkout = git clone '[email protected]:nakkaya/' '' skip=lazy [source/net-eval] checkout = git clone '[email protected]:nakkaya/net-eval.git' 'net-eval' skip=lazy [source/neu-islanders] checkout = git clone '' 'neu-islanders' skip=lazy [source/static] checkout = git clone '[email protected]:nakkaya/static.git' 'static' skip=lazy [source/vector-2d] checkout = git clone '[email protected]:nakkaya/vector-2d.git' 'vector-2d' skip=lazy [source/] checkout = git clone '' '' skip=lazy [source/ansible-docker-build] checkout = git clone '' 'ansible-docker-build' skip=lazy [source/ansible-storage] checkout = git clone '' 'ansible-storage' skip=lazy [source/ansible-base] checkout = git clone '' 'ansible-base' skip=lazy [source/ansible-backup] checkout = git clone '' 'ansible-backup' skip=lazy [source/control-toolbox] checkout = git clone '' 'control-toolbox' skip=lazy [source/solarcar-tracker] checkout = git clone '' 'solarcar-tracker' skip=lazy [source/solarcar-turn-indicator] checkout = git clone '' 'solarcar-turn-indicator' skip=lazy [source/ferret] checkout = git clone '' 'ferret' skip=lazy