Converting HTML to Hiccup DSL
Hiccup DSL for creating HTML/XML is great unless you have a lot of HTML code already written. At first my plan was to parse it, write it to a file and manually format it, then I stumbled on this post from compojure mailing list, it is a small utility function written by Robin Brandt. It converts the given HTML file to Hiccup DSL.
#^:shebang '[ exec java -cp "/home/nakkaya/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/1.4.0/clojure-1.4.0.jar:/home/nakkaya/.m2/repository/org/clojure/data.xml/0.0.7/data.xml-0.0.7.jar" clojure.main "$0" -- "$@" ] (ns hiccup-converter (:use [ :only (parse)]) (:use clojure.pprint) (:import ( File))) (defn format-attrs [m] (when m (format "%s" m))) (defn empty-when-null [x] (if (nil? x) "" x)) (declare format-full-node) (defn format-node [node] (cond (string? node) (format "\"%s\"" (.trim node)) (nil? node) nil :else (format-full-node node))) (defn format-full-node [node] (format "[%s %s %s]\n" (:tag node) (empty-when-null (format-attrs (:attrs node))) (clojure.string/join " " (map format-node (:content node))))) (defn transform-str [str] (->> str parse format-node read-string pprint print)) (defn transform-file [f-name] (transform-str (slurp f-name)))
(transform-str "<html> <head> <title>Tutorial: HelloWorld</title> </head> <body> <h1>HelloWorld Tutorial</h1> </body> </html>")
[:html {} [:head {} [:title {} "Tutorial: HelloWorld"]] [:body {} [:h1 {} "HelloWorld Tutorial"]]]
It will complain if you have badly written HTML, in my case it only complained about a bunch of br statements, a simple search and replaced fixed it. If you can't get it to accept your HTML try running it through JTidy, that should fix it.