Static Galleria Script
Following is a Clojure shell script that piggy backs on the static.jar to create static image galleries using galleria and upload them to S3.
Either tangle this file (it will tangle to ~/.bin/static-galleria) or copy/paste the snippets into a file on your path and make it executable, and update path to static.jar. This script depends on ImageMagick command line tools.
bash ~/.bin/static-galleria "Photo Folder"
See Photos page for example static galleries hosted on S3.
#^:shebang '[ exec java -cp "static-app.jar" clojure.main "$0" -- "$@" ]
(ns album-builder (:use (:use [static io core config])) (defn images [in-dir] (->> (map #( in-dir %) (.list in-dir)) (filter #(let [ext ( (.toString %))] (and (.isFile %) (contains? #{"JPG" "jpg" "JPEG" "jpeg" "png" "gif"} ext)))))) (defn prep-images [in-dir out-dir] (println "Prepping Images") (doall (pmap (fn [f] ( f out-dir) ;;fix orientation (let [file (str out-dir "/" (->> (.toString f) (] ( "convert" "-auto-orient" file file))) (images in-dir))) ;;scale originals (sh "mogrify" "-geometry" "1024x" (str out-dir "/*")) ;; generate thumbs (sh "mkdir" (str out-dir "/thumbs")) (sh "mogrify" "-thumbnail" "256x" "-path" (str (str out-dir "/") "thumbs") (str out-dir "/*"))) (defn galleria-img-json [idx files] (str " var data" idx " = [" (reduce (fn[h v] (let [name (->> (.toString v) ( (str "./")) thumb (->> (.toString v) ( (str "./thumbs/"))] (str h "{thumb: '" thumb "'," "image: '" name "',},"))) "" files) "];")) (defn album-html [name in-dir] (let [images (partition 20 20 nil (images in-dir))] (list [:script (map-indexed (fn [idx val] (galleria-img-json idx val)) images)] [:div {:id "pagination"}] [:div {:id "galleria"}] [:script " = \"#333\"; var gallery; var currentPage = 0; jQuery(window).load(function () { var anchor = window.location.hash.substring(6); if(anchor){ $(\"#pagination\").pagination('selectPage', parseInt(anchor)); } }); $( document ).ready(function() { $(function() { if (\"onhashchange\" in window) window.onhashchange = function () { var anchor = window.location.hash.substring(6); if(anchor) $(\"#pagination\").pagination('selectPage', parseInt(anchor)); else $(\"#pagination\").pagination('selectPage', 1); } $(\"#pagination\").pagination({ items: " (count images) ", itemsOnPage: 1, cssStyle: 'dark-theme', onPageClick:function(pageNumber, event){ pageNumber = pageNumber - 1; if(gallery && (currentPage != pageNumber)){ gallery.load(eval(\"data\" + pageNumber)); currentPage = pageNumber; } } }); }); }); Galleria.loadTheme(''); var dataSource = data0; var anchor = window.location.hash.substring(6); if(anchor){ currentPage = (parseInt(anchor) - 1); dataSource = eval(\"data\" + currentPage); } Galleria.configure({ variation: 'dark', dataSource:dataSource }); Galleria.ready(function(){ gallery = this; this.lazyLoadChunks(3); });'#galleria',{ responsive:true, height:1, debug:true, preload:2 });"]))) (defn dump-album [album-name in-dir out-dir] (prep-images in-dir out-dir) ( (str album-name "/index.html") (hiccup.core/html [:html [:head [:title ( (str in-dir))] ;;( in-dir) [:script {:src ""}] [:script {:src ""}] [:script {:src ""}] [:link {:href "" :type "text/css" :rel "stylesheet"}]] [:body [:div (album-html album-name in-dir)]]]))) (def in-dir (second *command-line-args*)) (def album-name (.toString (java.util.UUID/randomUUID))) (set!-config :out-dir "./") (println "Building " album-name) (println "In Dir:" in-dir) (dump-album album-name ( in-dir) ( album-name)) (when (> (count *command-line-args*) 2) (println "Uploading...") ( "s3cmd" "sync" "--delete" "--acl-public" (str album-name "/") (str (nth *command-line-args* 2) "/" album-name "/"))) (shutdown-agents) ;;$('.galleria-container').height($('#galleria').height());