WiShield Support for Clodiuno
I have added support for multiple protocols along with an implementation for WiShield, which provides Wi-Fi connectivity to Arduino and allows you to get rid of that USB cable while using Clodiuno.
Following is a quick snippet that demonstrates both protocols in action, we read the potentiometer value over Wi-Fi from an Arduino and write it through Firmata to another Arduino,
(ns wishield-to-firmata (:use clodiuno.core) (:use clodiuno.firmata) (:use clodiuno.wishield)) (defmacro forever [& body] `(try (while true ~@body) (catch Exception e#))) (defn map-int [x in-min in-max out-min out-max] (+ (/ (* (- x in-min) (- out-max out-min)) (- in-max in-min)) out-min)) (def wishield (arduino :wishield "" 1000)) (def firmata (arduino :firmata "/dev/tty.usbserial-A6008nhh")) ;;allow firmata to boot (Thread/sleep 5000) (pin-mode wishield 5 ANALOG) (pin-mode firmata 3 PWM) (forever (let [pot-val (analog-read wishield 5) pwm-val (int (map-int pot-val 0 1023 0 255))] (println pot-val) (analog-write firmata 3 pwm-val))) ;;(close firmata) ;;(close wishield)